Blossom (Orlando Retreat Workshop)
Orlando Retreat Workshop
The Pendant for this Necklace is a multi-component contemporary Flower Blossom. There are three types of flower petals which make up the Blossom. Bezeled petal shaped crystal stones, ladder stitch shaped petals with a bezeled pearl center and beadwork center petals complete the overall Blossom shape. The flower petals are sewn together in an alternating pattern to form the Blossom. The Blossom Pendant hangs from a large bezeled pearl with attached twisted herringbone stitch Necklace Straps. The closure for the Necklace is connected double bezeled pearls captured within a bead loop to attach the Necklace around the neck.
Retreat Date - July 30 thru August 3, 2025
Contact Info for Retreat - Carol Harman
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